

Boudoir Photographer based in Montgomery, Alabama and destination. Empowering women to take pride in their body and femininity through tasteful imagery that tells their story. Bamabear is a featured Photographer on Design Aglow's Boudoir Week 2017 and Long Live Film instructor.

Session S

Self portraits have been my way of escaping, expressing myself, and getting into a better headspace. When my depression and anxiety got really bad for the first time, so did my need to make more personal art. I didn’t notice this until years later, but it wasn’t ironic that they coincided. Slowly my work became a therapy, and with the process evolving, the final product also evolved. It’s funny to me to get any sort of compliment or recognition for my work now, because I honestly make it purely out of desperation. To do something worth my time here. To survive another day. To learn to love and appreciate myself. I'm both happy and sad that people connect with that. It feels good to know you’re not alone, but also makes me sad for those that feel the same.

It's a painful, terrible, wonderful, unbelievably beautiful place.

It was truly such a pleasure to be able to meet Thomas and make work together. Before making any photos, he set the mood of the room, which I think makes such a difference. Thomas truly has such a beautiful mind and kind soul and you can easily feel it just by being in his presence. He is so wonderful at making the time together meaningful and therapeutic, similar to how I do my own self portraits. I want to be happy to be here. And I really want you to be happy to be here too.